vineri, 31 august 2018

Sexuality Awareness~ Humaniversity workshop with Chandrika in Romania, Oct '18@ Bucharest

We are glad to have organized this unique Humaniversity experiential workshop with Chandrika in Bucharest.
Chandrika guided and supported participants to increase their sexual awareness and their capacity to feel pleasure and intimacy.

Bodywork helped to get more in touch with the physical body, to feel the tensions stored, to let go of them and relax. By exploring new areas of sensitivity, participants gently opened up to have the courage to feel themselves and others innocently.

By sharing their experiences, they learnt from others hearing about their findings and became able to support and help each other. Emotional release gave the chance to let go of painful old wounds and fears and enabled participants to state their needs for nourishment and compassionate touch. Awareness as the guiding light to more consciousness and love showed the way on the inner journey.

Sex is a beautiful gift from nature. It enables us to give and receive pleasure and to create life. Social pressure and conditioning can create confusion and restriction in our sexuality.
This workshop reassured participants that sex is an exciting and healthy part of life.

*Workshop was opened for everyone interested in personal development, transformation, love and awareness.

                                                        Trainer: Chandrika Zimmerman 

She has lived at the Humaniversity Institute since 1985. Chandrika is an executive director, trains Humaniversity therapists and leads workshops in Humaniversity therapy, specializing in primal and parental issues as well as group dynamics. She also leads the AUM Meditation Leader Training, Social Meditation Leader Training and the New Sexuality Training. 
Her special passion is to lead twice a year the Tan-Ju program, which provides emotional and social education for teenagers and introduces them to the world of meditation. 
After graduating with a Masters degree in Psychology, she worked as a school psychologist in Switzerland. Chandrika undertook intensive studies in therapy and eastern wisdom with Veeresh, Bert Hellinger, Dan Casriel, Leonard Orr, Michael Barnett, Alain Lowen among others. 
She got initiated by Osho in 1976 and pursued meditation practice since then. In 1978 she founded and ran a large Osho center in Switzerland. 

Workshop schedule:
Friday, Oct 5th: 06.00- 09.00 pm
Saturday, Oct 6th: 10.00 am- 7.00 pm 
Sunday, Oct 7th: 10.00 am- 6.00 pm 

The workshop was in English language with Romanian translation. 

Bookings for next Sexuality Awareness workshop:, +40 728 775 498 (Kiran) 
*Places limited to 40 participants.  

Let's explore and dive into our sexuality with love and awareness! 

sâmbătă, 18 august 2018

Body Temple: Seara de Respiratie si Meditatie Tantrica, Bucuresti@ Hermitage

'There is another way of looking at your own body- from within. If you can concentrate within, suddenly you begin to see your body- the inner lining of the body. Once you are focused inside, you can move inside- and it is a great universe. Your small body is a great universe.' - Osho, The Book of Secrets 

Va invitam pe 8 noiembrie la Hermitage (Mihai Eminescu 127, Bucuresti), intre orele 19.00- 22.00, sa exploram si sa practicam impreuna expansiunea atentiei si a starii de prezenta prin respiratie constienta si meditatie tantrica.  

Tehnicile pe care le vom explora au ca inspiratie o sutra din Vijnana Bhairava Tantra- carte straveche aparuta in India acum 5000 de ani, carte in care sunt mentionate 112 tehnici de meditatie.
Sutra este urmatoarea:
'Place your whole attention in the nerve, delicate as the lotus thread, in the center of your spinal column. In such, be transformed.'  

In interiorul coloanei vertebrale se afla 'firul vietii', un fir subtil, un flux de energie pe care il putem simti.
Explorarea din aceasta seara va fi centrata pe aducerea atentiei si energiei asupra coloanei vertebrale, baza intregii structuri a corpului fizic si energetic.

Aducerea atentiei asupra coloanei vertebrale este o practica sanatoasa si utila, ce ne sustine sa fim grounded (impamantati), prezenti, centrati si verticali (in propria integritate si energie) oricand avem nevoie, mai ales in momente de haos exterior si interior, in momente de confuzie sau cand ne simtim obositi, coplesiti...

Va invitam sa ajungeti cu 10 min mai devreme si sa aveti haine lejere de schimb.

Contributie de participare: 150 lei
*Include: selectie de ceaiuri organice, fructe proaspete & gustari sanatoase

Pentru o organizare lina, va invitam sa va inscrieti pana vineri, 1noiembrie, ora 18.00.

Tantric Transformation: Body, Senses, Energy, 29.11- 4.12@ Romania

  "Tantric experience is possible only if you move deep into MEDITATION, otherwise not. When you become very very still, silent, aware,...